








Vanity in the Flourishing Age


Beishui is an artist that insists on artistic exploration regardless of form of expression, subject and content. There is a mainline throughout all of his works, including the earliest "Paper Money" series as well as the "Poppy"-themed artworks in recent years, i.e. ceaselessly inquiring the existence of individual and group life. It also shows the painter's devotion to art and confidence of self-value realization.

In my opinion, Beishui's works have two features in summary: imagery and visual impact.

Image is between shape and abstraction. There is the concept of "Qu Xiang" (extracting image) in traditional Chinese literature. "Xiang" doesn't refer to object and phenomenon. Artists shall be able to see, communicate with and perceive the object. In this process, what the artist discovers and the object shows are dramatically different from the object itself. It is not only the spatial collapse and ontological split of the world, but also the origin of phenomenon. Beishui has reached this point through his images of "the bloom is not a bloom".

Besides, no matter what size they are and how far the viewing distance is, Beishui's works have strong visual impact. This is attributed to his delicate application of color contrast as well as the sense of volume generated by large and rough strokes and piled blocks.

Exhibits are mainly poppy-themed silk-screen printing created in recent two years. Red and black are the main hue. In Beishui's works, flowers are more than flowers, but have deep connotation of prosperity and vanity. I think that artist Beishui has realized his existence value as an individual life.

Meanwhile, some representative works created by Beishui in different periods of time will be exhibited. I hope that the exhibition and my interpretation can help readers have a deeper understanding of Beishui's value and his art.

  • 2013 "盛世浮华" 艺融美术馆 北京
  • "繁花2013" EXHIBEO画廊 德国柏林
  • 2012 "繁花2012" 德滋画廊 北京
  • 2011 "欲望花园"今日美术馆 北京
  • "中国花园" EXHIBEO画廊 德国柏林
  • "中国花园" 德滋画廊 北京
  • 2010 "鱼非鱼•鱼是鱼"太和艺术空间 北京
  • "欲望花园"桥艺术空间 北京
  • "梦寻湿地" EXHIBEO画廊 德国柏林
  • 2009 "我的深山" 盛世喜神美术馆 北京
  • 2008 "FERNREISE" EXHIBEO画廊 柏林市 德国
  • "鱼示" ART概艺术空间 北京
  • "自性•无常" 锦都艺术中心 北京
  • 2007 "远渡" 德国OSV总部 德国柏林
  • "远渡" Optikpark Rathenow 德国阿特瑙
  • 2006 "色彩的力量" 锦都艺术中心 北京
  • 2005 "渡" 美阿国际艺术中心 北京
  • 2004 "鱼—非鱼" 发发画廊 北京
  • 2003 "过客" 炎黄艺术馆 北京
  • 2001 "感受生命" 红墙画廊 北京
  • 2013 "V时代——当代艺术展"树美术馆 北京
  • 2011 "收藏家提名展"美林美术馆 广州
  • 2010 "现象:中国当代艺术年鉴展"上上国际美术馆 北京
  • "艺术中国油画展"环铁时代美术馆 北京
  • 2008 "以身观身" 中国行为艺术文献展2008 澳门艺术博物馆 澳门
  • "视野•形象" 国际当代绘画与雕塑邀请展 国际展览中心 北京
  • "超以象外" 中国抽象绘画作品展 澳门艺术博物馆 澳门
  • 2007 "第三空间:抽象艺术的中国文本" 抽象艺术大展 宁波美术馆 宁波
  • 2006 "第二届今日中国美术大展" 中国美术馆 北京
  • "第三空间:抽象艺术的中国文本" 抽象艺术大展 上海美术馆 上海

展览主办:艺融美术馆        展览策划:旱柏        开幕酒会:2013.09.28.15:30        展览时间:2013.09.28 - 10.14
媒体支持:中国文物网   琉璃厂古玩艺术品交易网   艺术生活快报   东方大家   典藏   雅昌艺术网   水墨评论   你看艺术圈   道东艺术网

Shengshi flashy: Beishui Solo Exhibition        Organizer: Yirong Art Museum        Art Direcor: hanbai
Reception: 15:30pm, Sept 28, 2013               Show Time: Sept 28, 2013-October 14, 2013
Address: Yirong Art Museum, F5, Yide Ge Calligraphy and Painting Mall, Liulichang, Xicheng District, Beijing        TEL: 010-87361796/63135896

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